Entry 1
Today I met a man named John. He took me
to the Jordan River and baptized me with the water and declared that the Lord
would baptize me with the Holy Spirit. After my baptism, the Lord
declared himself as my Father!
I had wandered all the way from Nazareth in
Galilee alone in this life, and now I have found that I am the Son of
God. Now that I have learned of this new
information, my Father is sending me to the wilderness for forty days and forty
nights to test my faith and trust in him. I am nervous because I am new
to this faith. How can I resist temptation when it will be so present???
Entry 2
I survived in the wilderness for forty days and
forty nights while being tempted by Satan. It was one of the toughest
challenges in my life but with God’s love and care I made it through. I am
glad to be back in civilization but being in the wilderness really made me grow
in my faith. When I got back I found out that my friend John was arrested and
taken to prison. It is now up to me to travel and spread the word of God.
Entry 3
On my way to Capernaum I met some great guys:
Andrew, Simon, James, and John. I called them to come share the word of
God with me and they followed! We went to the synagogue where I preached
and then we went to Andrew and Simon's house to heal their mother. After I
performed this miracle, people began to bring me all of the sick and diseased
to heal them.
Entry 4
My friends and I have moved on throughout
Galilee. Today I encountered a man who was infected with leprosy and
because he believed in me, I was able to heal him. I told him to not speak of
this event because I do not want people to think I am any better than anyone
else. However, he went and shared the story to all people. Now everywhere
I go people know my name and know of my healing touch.
Entry 5
It has been a few days since I’ve written.
I have been performing many miracles in hopes of spreading the belief in
God. I have also found another disciple, Levi. However, now people
are beginning to question me. They question that I eat with tax
collectors and talk to sinners. Aren’t we all equal in the eyes of the
Lord? Doesn’t he love us all? I have also been questioned about
fasting and healing on the Sabbath. It does not matter what day it is; I
am still the Son of God.
Entry 6
Today I have officially found twelve
disciples to follow me and spread the word of God: Simon, James, John,
Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddeaus, Simon, and
Judas. I will teach them to heal, cast out demons, and share the word of
God through my actions and through my parables.
Entry 7
A tragedy happened today. King Herod
heard about the works of my disciples and was not pleased that my name is now
as famous as his. He sent an executioner
to behead John the Baptist and delivered the head to a girl. How
awful??! At least John is now in Heaven with the Lord our Father.
Entry 8
Although we have mourned the loss of a friend,
we must still teach about the word of God. After our teachings we
attracted a crowd of five thousand who were hungry. We only had five
loaves of bread and two fish but with the help of God, I was able to feed
all the people! Today my heart has been filled with joy. I love
seeing people happy and full of belief in God.
Entry 9
Several days of healing those that are sick and
performing miracles of casting out demons have passed. Today I will teach
the people many things that are relevant to their lives.
I will teach on divorce and adultery. I
will also remind those that worldly possessions can become idols hindering
their way into the Kingdom. I am trying to teach through the love of my
Father and can only pray that the people will hear him through me!
Entry 10
The Passover was today and the disciples and I
had The Last Supper. I gave them bread and wine in resemblance of my body
and my blood. I also had to break the bad news to Peter that he will
disown me in the near future. He needed to be prepared although he did
not take this well.
Entry 11
Today I was arrested. The prison guards
have allowed me to keep my diary to write in.
They have taken all of my other belongings and secluded me from my
friends. Judas led the bad guys to me; I do not know why he would do that to
me! I thought we were friends. Many people spoke a false testimony
against me, accusing me of things I did not do or say. It is so hard to have
people against you. I just want them to know the love of the father.
Entry 12
I know I will soon be crucified for the people
have disowned me because of the word of God. As I await my crucifixion,
I have come to terms with my death. I was placed on this earth for a
purpose: to share the love and word of God.
I know that my Father will continue to save the
people and to use me. One day I will rise again and continue my journey in
this world to lead people to my loving Father, the Lord our God.
Authors Note: I chose to write a
diary style for the Gospel of Mark.
The Gospel of Mark is primarily a story written by Mark who is a
follower of Jesus and was inspired by Peter’s preaching. He writes about Jesus and the miracles he
performs, the parables he teaches with, his death and resurrection. I thought
it would be fun to write it from Jesus' point of view. There are so many
things that went on in His life during this Gospel that he must've needed to
write it all down in a diary! I also tried to use twelve days to symbolize
the twelve disciples that were chosen during this book of the Bible. I had a hard time with writing more about
Jesus’ thoughts and feelings toward certain people and situations. If I were in his shoes, I know I would be
very frustrated, tired, confused, angry, and happy! However, we are often taught in church and
the Bible that Jesus was pure love. Was
he ever mad at God or someone else? Did
he ever cry or ignore what others were saying to him? These are questions that I cannot answer and
therefore I could not portray the emotions and feelings of Jesus in his diary. However, I tried to use emotions that I thought that I would feel if I were in his situation.
King James Bible 1611