Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 1: Introduction

I am starting my senior year (Round 1) this year! I will be taking an extra year next year before I graduate but I am excited about what is in store for me as a fifth year senior.  I am a Health and Exercise Science major and also a Pre- Physician Assistant student.  I love going to class and learning new things but I am ready to be done with school!

I am a very active and outdoorsy person.  I love to play sports and work out during my free time.  I am not a girly girl at all and my favorite place to be is my grandparents farm out on the dock fishing!  I grew up with all boys so I am use to playing catch in the yard or shooting things for fun.  I come from a very small town in Texas and I'm still more fond of small towns rather than big cities but I do love being at OU and living in Norman while I'm in college.

I am very involved at my home church here in Norman.  I serve as a small group leader for college girls on the leadership team of our college group.  It has been a blast and I have met so many great people through church!  I also work as the student athletic trainer for the OU baseball team.  I have been with them for a year and will be with them again this year.  I love my job and I love being able to learn all the things an athletic trainer does.

A side from all of the outdoor and sports activities that I am usually participating in, I love to be crafty and use my creative side of my brain.  On rainy or cold days I could sit inside and read, scrapbook, or do some sort of art project ALL day!

(Personal photo: Taken at L.Dale Mitchell Park, the OU baseball field)


  1. Hi Cobi, it looks like your image has disappeared (?) ... the Introduction post needs an image and image information also. You can edit the post and add that now! (and read the Declaration carefully; it's like a checklist to alert you if anything is missing in your post).

  2. Hey Cobi, I am also a Health and Exercise Science major heading towards the medical world! I am also in the victory lab round of school and have been enjoying a 5th year here at OU. It's neat that you are a very crafty personal as well. I enjoy art projects also and have many of them hanging on the walls of my room! It was great getting to know a little bit more about you and finding out all that we have in common!

  3. Good afternoon Codi, I think it’s really awesome that you enjoy the outdoors and you enjoy being active and being involved in the Norman community. It must be awesome being so close to the finish line in terms of your schooling. I on the other hand have two more years. I cannot wait to be in your position to finally complete my petroleum major.

  4. It is very nice to meet you Cobi! I am right there with you girl. I love school, but I am so ready to be done. I am curious about the church you attend. I have lived in Oklahoma for about a year and a half now, and have tried many churches, but I have not been able to find one I really love. Hope you enjoy your semester!

  5. That works, Cobi - super! What a nice picture too - thank you for fixing that!

  6. I can totally relate to what you say about art projects here - I am the same way, except that instead of doing some "real" art project, I make something on the Internet, like a widget or a website or something. I used to do knitting (although I was never very good at it, ha ha)... but I have even more fun making things online, even if they are just digital! I hope that craft-y side of your personality will enjoy the online class and all the creative spaces the digital world has to offer!!! :-)

  7. Hi Cobi! I'm not pre-PA, but I am pre-med! I can relate to your statement on how you love school, but you would rather be done as well. I love how many of us say this, and then want to venture into the world of medicine and its graduate programs. I try to be crafty, but my sister was always better than me at it. Haha. Reading has always been a passion of mine, and it saddens me that I haven't been able to enjoy it during college. I refuse to start any books during the semesters, for once I start I cannot put it down till the end. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future, have a great semester!

  8. Hi Cobi!
    I enjoyed reading your introduction! I think it is great that you are involved in a church, and are also a trainer for the baseball team. Those both sound like fun ways to keep yourself busy when you are not busy studying. So I am now a fifth year senior, and I understand completely when you say you are ready to be done with school. I do not mind going to class because I also love to learn, but I could definitely do without the papers and exams (which always all seem to be due the same week!!!!). I love that you love Norman because I am from Norman and I think it is great. It is so fun that your grandparents have a farm in Texas. My whole family is from Texas, but they moved here to Oklahoma way before my time due to random reasons. I still kind of wish that they had stayed because I would love to live in Texas. It is my second home!! :) Good luck with school this semester, and I look forward to having this class with you! Have a great weekend!

  9. Hey Cobi, congrats on the senior year even if its only the first one and on being with the baseball team for another year. I am currently doing my second year as a senior. I have enjoyed my time at OU but I am also ready to be done. Sounds like you had an awesome time back home but I am glad you are enjoying Norman. Hope you have a great last two years!

  10. Hey Cobi, how exciting it must be to be an student athletic trainer. Senior year is only a year away from me and I'm already ready to graduate. Your major sounds so interesting! Like yourself I don't consider myself much of a girly girl. But yet I'm really bad at sports. Good luck with these last few semesters!

  11. Hey, Cobi!

    My name is Linzee. I liked reading your introduction. I used to be really active outdoors, but find myself with little time to do anything but homework. Haha. I think it is great that you have found a church in Norman that you like. Also, I like to scrapbook and craft, too! Congratulations on starting your senior year!

    Linzee Manor

  12. That is great that you have been able to stay so active in your church even with school and being an athletic trainer. I think it would be so cool to work with the baseball team like that, and I respect all the hard work that you put into helping out the team. I hope that you enjoy your victory lap next year and that you get into the PA school of your choice!

  13. Hey Cobi, it sounds like you stay busy! It is really cool that you picked a couple things and are able to stay active in both, especially so far into your college career. That experience as an athletic trainer may help when it comes to your career as a physician's assistant as well! I've also found that I enjoy the outdoors much more than the urban lifestyle. Good luck in your 1st of senior years.

  14. Cobi, I am a Health and Exercise Science major as well and can relate to you on being outdoorsy and liking to be active in your free time. I think that it comes with the nature of the major and wanting to constantly be moving and living an active life. But I can also curl up in my pajamas on a rainy day and read for hours. I have not gotten into scrapbooking, but I like journaling and doodling to get my creativity going. I grew up with a brother and think that has shaped my interests as well.

  15. Hey there Cobi, it’s awesome that you starting your senior year! I have another year to go as well, but I can definitely understand what you mean about leaving school! I really like going outdoors and play some sports too! However, I am sure you are much more fit than I am. Hahaha. I did not really play any sports until college so I still have some catching up to do, but I do like being active. Finally comment, Good luck getting into PA school!!!!!

  16. Cobi, you sound like a very interesting individual. I love the fact that you are so active and aren't one of the girly girls. I'm not a girly girl either and neither is my daughter. We love being out of doors, camping, fishing... you name it!!!

    I agree with you 200% about being in school and going to class to learn new things. But, I must admit I'm the opposite when it comes to "being done with school." I'm just getting started. I'm a senior and I'm putting in my applications for graduate school. We'll see how it goes!!!

    Good luck to you and all your future endeavors!! I'm sure with your energy, you won't have any problem reaching your goals.

  17. Hi Cobi, nice to meet you! It's very refreshing to hear a college student say that she loves to got to class and learn. School is something I've always been good at and enjoyed, and it can be disheartening when people miss out on what a privilege college is. So I'm glad you haven't! Pre-PA sounds like a great career path to me! I hope everything works out for you to achieve that.

  18. Cobi, where to you plan to apply to PA school? I ask because I just had my first medical school interview on Sunday at OU. In my opinion, you should definitely consider applying there. I was more than impressed by the resources and support they have there. It was certainly a place I could see myself being happy. Maybe we'll see each other around in a few years!

  19. Hello Cobi!
    I must say you sound like a very nice person! I too like to craft and do outdoorsy things! I am also super jealous that you get to work with the baseball team here! That's amazing and must be so much fun. Also, I bet being really involved in your church must be extremely rewarding. I know whenever I leave church I have the best feeling, it just makes me happy!
    Anyways, it was great getting to learn a little bit about you! Best of luck this semester!

  20. Hey Cobi,

    It is always awesome to meet people that love playing sports. It is definitely a passion of mine as well. Currently I am unable to do those things due to a torn ACL. I was playing basketball last summer and well, the rest is history. Anyways, Good luck with your victory lap here at OU!

  21. Cobi,
    You've got a really good attitude about your extended time at OU. My wife is going to be a fifth year senior next year, and I know that it bothers her sometimes that she has to take yet another year of school. However, the finish line is approaching fast, so keep up the good work.

  22. Hi, Cobi! Sounds like we share a love for creativity. I'm so bad about starting projects and never finishing them. But they're fun projects! I'm glad you like Norman and I hope you have a fantastic time here. :D Make lots of fun things!
