Cupid and Psyche: Homepage
The Captive Woman
My heart aches for both Lucius and the captive girl. She has been taken from her wealthy family and protective home. I would be hysterical like she is if I were stolen by thieves! It is also detrimental that they have no food or goods to make the environment a little better.
Her Dream
To add even more heartbreak, the girl tells the old woman that she was kidnapped on her wedding day! I can not imagine sharing a precious moment with my mother before I walk down the aisle only to be taken a back by robbers bursting into my room and taking me against my will. The dream she has definitely does not help the situation.
Psyche's Beauty
I've heard this story a couple of times but it still astonishes me that Venus would be so envious of Psyche's beauty because Psyche did not choose her looks. She is the way she was made and it really is out of her control. I also do know the feeling of jealousy and since Venus is the Goddess of Beauty I'm sure it is difficult for people to be worshipping some other girl.
The Oracle of Apollo
I think this is such an interesting twist in the story that Psyche may be the most beautiful of all but she has no potential husband. It also compares her to her "plain" sisters who have things going for them in their lives.
The Magical Palace
Oh to be Psyche right now! How glorious would it be to just be given such a glorious home? I was as astonished as she was at the detailed description of the beautiful home and also that the place was not locked up... Another thing that would make me raise a red flag is that all the servants and voices she heard were from invisible bodies.
The Mysterious Husband
It is crazy to think how in love Psyche is with her mysterious husband. At first I was scared for her because of the threats Cupid was sending her way if she told anyone about her being alive. I became relieved once he agrees to let her see her sisters but I am also expecting it to not go over well.
The Jealousy of Psyche's Sisters
At first, I am in complete agreement with Psyche's sisters. They have every right to question her and all the wonderful gifts she has received. If I had a sister I would want to know who she was dating let alone married to! Unfortunately, the sisters then fall in to the trap and begin to reject Psyche. They team up and bully her saying she is undeserving of a wonderful life.
Psyche's Husband Warns Her
I would have to say that Cupid really did give Psyche a fair warning. There is so much pressure on her also now that their future child is depending on her actions. This was an exciting part of the story because it showed that Cupid may be revealing himself to his wife soon!
Fears and Doubts
The story has definitely taken a turn for the worse. The sisters have convinced Psyche that she must kill her husband to become free again. After all the warning from her husband, Psyche's naivety takes the best of her as she listens to her sisters lies. However, I do not blame Psyche for being easily convinced. She knows her sisters but she has never even seen the face of her husband.
Psyche's Husband Revealed
At last Cupid is revealed to Psyche! I've been waiting for this moment from the beginning of the story. Although it does not exactly end happy, it's almost a relief that she finally knows who she's been married to and who she is having a child with.
Psyche's Despair
Those poor sisters. It is almost karma because they tricked Psyche into killing her husband out of pure jealousy. However, I think this is the point in the story where Psyche finally realizes the intentions of her sisters.
Venus and the Goddess
Venus learns that her son Cupid is in love with Psyche. She is not happy about this event taking place and sets out to do some more damage.
Psyche's Prayer
Psyche approaches Ceres and Juno in hopes that will help her in the predicament she is in. Both God's are unwilling to help because of their relationship with Venus.
Venus and Mercury
Venus has Mercury search for Psyche. He offers a reward of kisses from Venus in hopes that all the mortal men will help look and turn in Psyche.
Venus and Psyche
Psyche is captured and brought to Venus. After her servants punish Psyche, Venus herself beats and tortures Psyche. Astonished by everything that is happening, Psyche is helpless and confused at Venus' reactions.
Psyche's Task
It is so heart wrenching that Psyche and Cupid are locked away under the same roof but separated from each other. Venus sends Psyche on a dangerous mission to retrieve golden sheep wool and a deity helps Psyche accomplish the task.
The Third Task
Psyche is helped again by a God in order to complete another dangerous task.
The Jar of Beauty
Given the task to deliver the jar to Tartarus, by Venus. Psyche is given very specific task on how to deliver this jar in a successful manner. She is also warned by a helpful deity to fight her curiosity or she will surely fail. Psyche's curiosity gets the best of her once again as she opens the jar.
The Sleep of the Dead
Psyche opens the jar and immediately is over come by sleep. Cupid however comes to her rescue encouraging her to finish the task asked by Venus. He also tells Psyche that he will take care of everything else and he goes to Jupiter for help.
The Wedding Feast
With the help of Jupiter, Cupid and Psyche are allowed marriage. Psyche then becomes immortal and gives birth to a daughter. The robbers from the Golden Ass return as the old woman finishes the story.
The Escape
Lucius has the courage to escape from the old woman as the robbers are away again. He fights her and is able to escape and save the young girl also.
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